Here are some Airline Crew Dolls, plus 2 male dolls and Shipping Line dolls.

Miss Dan Air - Variant to the one below.

Miss Dan Air - I have two of these lovely ladies however one is missing her hat.

CP Air - Doll is in excellent condition, but the box is not so good.

Caledonian Girls - Two lovely examples above.

Northwest Airlines - A twin doll box with a Daisy and a male attendant. I call him Jason

KLM Airlines - This beautiful lady has no box.

BIA - British Island Airways.

Wardair Doll.

Crossair - Mini Stewardess from Holland

Delta Air Lines - Mini Flight Attendant

TWA - A twin boxed Daisy and Jason

MartinAir - Beautiful in red.


Miss Olau - A shipping line doll, not an airline doll.

A shipping line doll, not sure for who though.